Store Fires Manager After Denying Mother Time Off To Be With Her Son On Life Support

Updated July 9 2018, 3:28 p.m. ET

When managing a business, it's tough finding dedicated workers who you can actually trust and rely on.
Not everyone may take your business as seriously as you and when you're the boss, it requires you to make tough decisions like having uncomfortable conversations with some employees who aren't cutting the mustard.
Without going overboard, obviously.

And while it's true that human beings can come up with some of the lamest, off-the-wall excuses to get themselves out of just about anything, like this dude who thought he'd "explain" why he has a hickey...

There are some people, however, with legitimate excuses as to why they can't make it into work. And, as long as you're not an overbearing boss, you'll figure out a way to change schedules around and ensure your business is running.
Unfortunately for Crystal Reynolds Fisher, her boss seemingly wasn't really that understanding of an individual. She informed her she'd have to miss a shift so she could be with her 18-year-old son who was on life support. Crystal's boss, Dawn, really wasn't feeling that excuse.

Crystal, who works at a PS Food Mart and Folk Oil Company gas station, had to have her son rushed to the hospital after he suffered a 104-degree fever. She asked her daughter to call out of work for her as she stayed with her son. She recalls hearing her boss on the other side of the line:
"She said ‘can you have somebody cover mom for [Friday], my brother’s really sick, they’re going to have to ventilate him. And the boss, I could hear her over the phone and she told my daughter ‘this ain’t the way we run things, your mother needs to be the one calling me.'" Fisher told Fox17.
Fisher learned that her son was suffering from a bacterial infection and was placed on life support. She texted Dawn to let her know about her situation and inform her she'd return to work the second his health began to improve. This was their conversation.
Immediately, Dawn tries to convince Crystal that her not showing up to work because her son was on life support was tantamount to her "quitting." Something that Fisher contested. She notified Dawn she would reach out to corporate and inform them of the way she acted.
Still, Dawn did not relent, thinking she was in the right.
Frustrated and flustered, Crystal couldn't believe this response. So she posted the screenshots on her Facebook page and made the post public.
It immediately went viral.
Crystal's post has been shared over 75,000 times to date, and people reached out to the mom to let her know that what her boss was doing, was in fact, illegal.
In no time, PS Food Mart and Folk Oil learned of Dawn's behavior and announced that they would be looking into the way she handled her interaction with Crystal.
After conducting their investigation they discovered that Dawn was, in fact, in the wrong, so they announced on their Facebook page that she was fired from the company.
Some people pointed out that there are companies that only act in their employees' best interests when they're put on the spot, and that they should proactively make sure their employees are taken care of - without a huge social media scandal.
As for Crystal, she only has one message for her former boss: "I pray for you. I pray for you. That's all I can say."