Bridezilla Calls off Wedding in Epic Rant Against Friends Who Wouldn't Give Her Cash

Updated July 2 2021, 9:26 p.m. ET

The average wedding in America costs over $30,000, which is kinda crazy when you think about it. In some parts of the country, that's a down payment on a house or a sweet new car. Or a lifetime of repairs and maintenance for two 9th generation Toyota Corollas (they're pretty much indestructible).
And while the curmudgeon in me wants to poo poo parties in general and spending money on stuff that doesn't have a ready, practical and functional application, I can see why you would want to go all out when celebrating your wedding day.
You're supposed to be head-over-heels with the love of your life. You're supposed to be praising the universe for giving you someone you're so overjoyed to be spending the rest of your life with that you want to share it with all of your friends and family members. It's a celebration of love, which is what life is all about, isn't it?

On the other hand, however, if you're with the love of your life, it doesn't really matter where you are or what you're doing: it's always magical. Some of the best meals I've had with people who mean the world to me were something we threw together at home, or haphazardly put together in a comped hotel room after going on a long road trip.
So, I get wanting to have a heck of a celebration with the love of your life, but I also know that if you can't have doves flying out of the vents or a Rolls Royce that has a horn that blares "This is the Rhythm of the Night" (the ultimate wedding song), then you wouldn't be too broken up about it because your partner for life is right by your side.
Apparently though, this wasn't the case for a Bridezilla who tried explaining her side of the story for a failed wedding on Facebook.
Screencapped and uploaded from a "wedding shaming group" (sounds amazing) by Twitter user @0lspicykeychain, the story gives you a deep look inside the mind of an honest-to-goodness crazy person who believes they did nothing wrong in how they tried going about securing funding for a $60k wedding.
She begins her tale normally enough, if not a bit dramatic. From the get-go this woman is convinced that she's totally in the right and that she was deeply wronged by everyone around her.

She paints a sweet story at first of high school sweethearts who worked hard and supported each other to build a beautiful relationship and wonderful family.

A few sentences later, however, you begin to realize that this woman has gone way off the deep end.

Forgetting the fact that they consulted with a psychic about how much they should spend for a wedding, the entitlement becomes apparent right away. "How could we have OUR wedding that WE dreamed of without proper funding?" I don't know, why don't you ask everyone else who's got bills to pay who wishes they could own a home or eat a decent meal every day the same question? Unreal.
And if you thought it couldn't get any better, then oh boy you're in for a treat.

Bridezilla couldn't believe that her friends wouldn't cough up a measly few thousand dollars here and there for her dream destination wedding and she couldn't believe she'd have to lose her $5k deposit on the marital extravaganza she created in her head.

At this point, things got so bad between the bridezilla and her friends that she lost a best friend from childhood over it — all because people didn't feel comfortable giving over thousands of dollars to see her wedding become a reality to her exact liking.

Her ex then made the mistake of suggesting that they get married in Vegas, a much more affordable (and potentially fun) option. She didn't like that idea.

She then can't believe that her good friend has the audacity to give her sound advice and tell her to stick to a wedding that's more within her budget. Listen, I get upset that I can't walk into a Tesla dealership and buy a Model S with cash, but you don't see me crowdfunding money from my friends and family members to do it, and I certainly didn't ask any family members to give me money for my wedding.

Bridezilla then recounts how she completely turned heel to all of her friends and took the "deposit money" that they gave her for her now-called-off wedding, which she's presumably using for a backpacking adventure throughout South America. Very classy.
The best part is that her whole "thesis" out of this awful experience is that society is messed up because her closest friends and family won't give her $45k for a wedding.

I'd say I was horrified by reading this, and I was, but I'm also kind of happy. Because no matter how bad I've got it, or if I ever get in an argument with one of my friends who I think are being petty or not as supportive as I believe they could be, I'll just read this and instantly feel better about my life and my situation. This guy didn't dodge a bullet not marrying her, he dodged a nuke.