This Is Why 'Insatiable' Is the Most Hated Show on Netflix

Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:12 p.m. ET

Since Insatiable debuted on Netflix, more than a few people have had some strong opinions about the program and how it handles the touchy subject of body-shaming.
Critically, the program hasn't been faring too well either. It currently sits at an 11% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but that doesn't mean that Insatiable doesn't have an audience — it clearly does.
It's one of the most divisive new shows on the popular streaming platform, a look at the same Rotten Tomatoes page reveals that audiences have placed Season 1 at a whopping 83 percent approval rating.
But controversy and divisiveness has been pretty much the standard vibe of the conversation surrounding the show since Netflix put it up online. In case you aren't familiar with it, here's a quick rundown: Insatiable is about an overweight teenager who wires her jaws shut for months so she can't eat solid food.
After going on a liquid diet and losing a ton of weight over the summer, the show's main character, Patty, decides to compete in beauty pageants, while being coached by a man who was wrongly accused of sexual assault by another pageant competitor.
The show deals with a lot of culturally relevant topics like obesity and body issues, along with sexual misconduct and the way the LGBTQ community is viewed and treated.
However, viewers of the program believe that Insatiable, while highlighting that these issues exist, doesn't handle the subject matter in a particularly socially conscious or graceful way, and instead utilizes these issues more as the butt of cheap jokes, rather than a vehicle for drawing attention to their sensitivity.
So you combine poor critics' reviews, along with a lot of people who seemingly hate the way the show handles socially-charged topics and uses body-shaming as a gag, and you'd figure that Netflix probably wouldn't bring Insatiable back for a second season, and maybe get it entirely removed from its roster.
But apparently, for all the negative talk and bad press the program is receiving, Netflix has announced that they're bringing Patty and Bob's adventures back for another season. And a lot of people are ticked off about that.
Many think that a huge reason why the show was brought back was because of the massive number of "hate streams" it received. I mean, we all have that one friend who claims to be "above" some trashy or dumb TV show, yet spend an inordinate amount of their time watching it or discussing it "ironically".
You can try and be as ironic as you want, but the fact is you're still supporting the garbage TV you know is trash. I know about 10 people who claim to hate Keeping Up with the Kardashians but haven't missed a single season of the program yet.

More than a couple of Twitter users pointed out that giving attention to something that you "hate" is a surefire way to make sure that it stays relevant and ultimately flourishes.

But for all of the people who are hating on the show and saying that it's offensive trash that shouldn't, under any circumstances, be given a second season, there are others who strongly disagree and are happy that it's coming back.

Fans of other Netflix shows couldn't believe that the platform chose to pour more money into Insatiable instead of choosing to continue other shows that they believed were more worthwhile.
Even if the other shows, in almost all instances, were better reviewed and contained a "better message" than the "problematic" program that's been the subject of so much controversy online.

I'm personally not a fan of the show — not because I watched enough of it to form an opinion — but because I started watching it, decided that the overall tone and vibe they were going for wasn't for me, and then saw that Groundhog's Day was also on Netflix. And Bill Murray always wins. Always.