The Rock Wants Jason Momoa to Play His Brother in 'Fast and Furious' Spin-Off

Updated Sept. 4 2019, 4:06 p.m. ET

Although Aquaman got less-than-stellar reviews, it still performed amazingly well in the box office, weekend after weekend. Something that the Justice League movie couldn't even pull off, despite being packed with a ton of superheroes.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out why: it's because people are down with Jason Momoa. I mean like, so, so down.
The dude looks like a cooler, real-life version of Lobo, has a wickedly wonderful sense of humor and is a bonafide movie star. Aquaman was never exactly a cool hero, and used to be roasted mercilessly by comic book fans all over.
So the fact that he managed to "save" a DC movie that was otherwise, "meh," and receive praise from critics and audience members worldwide, leaves Jason open to a number of possible big budget roles.
And it doesn't get more big budget, or blockbuster than the Fast and the Furious franchise. FF became an institution after studios pulled the trigger and brought Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson into the mix. The former pro-wrestler and everyone's favorite motivational jacked-dude has such an impact on ticket sales, that he even received his own spin-off film in the fast universe with Jason Statham called Hobbs and Shaw. The two will be reprising their roles from the Fast films, but this movie's going to focus entirely on them.
The Rock recently tweeted a poster of the upcoming summer flick. Sure, it's got a little spelling error up top, so why don't you tell the Rock what you think about it. Go ahead, just say — IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK OF THE ROCK'S GRAMMAR, JABRONI!

And although The Great One has a slew of projects in the pipeline that are sure to bank big bucks, he also knows a golden opportunity when he sees one. Jason's contribution to the success of Aquaman is undeniable and it's very clear that he's very much a darling in the eyes of audiences.
Plus he's good looking, full of boundless energy, and is in great shape. He's also got Hawaiian roots, as does the Rock. So The Rock got to thinking that maybe the two of them should play brothers in an upcoming Fast and Furious movie?
I mean bringing in a jacked guy that everybody loves did wonders for the franchise back when Fast 5 debuted, so why wouldn't it work again? Plus it's not really that difficult to imagine the two of them would be related. And I can already see a ton of "hey you're bald" jokes coming from Jason that The Rock would shrug off after deadlifting a hummer that's been topped over or some ridiculous show of strength like that.

The thing is, this isn't a wish or a rumor or something that's just on The Rock's mind: it was supposed to happen for this upcoming Hobbs and Shaw flick. Unfortunately, Jason's schedule just didn't allow it due to previous contractual obligations. The Rock said so during a recent Q & A about his upcoming summer release:
"Me and Momoa tried hard to get him in this movie to play my brother, but his schedule was too packed. Next Hobbs movie for sure," The Rock explained.
Jason's role wouldn't be insignificant, either. As evinced by this recent post The Rock put up on his Instagram, the film will center more on agent Luke Hobbs' life, along with his brothers who own and operate a custom car shop. Fellow WWE star and not-really-cousin of the Rock, Roman Reigns, will be in the film. So if you're a fan of jacked Samoan dudes doing manly stuff on camera (like me), then you'll probably love this movie.
The Rock's got super high hopes for Hobbs and Shaw not only as a standalone film but as its own franchise. He revealed that it's the kind of film he's been waiting his entire career to make, and is really using it as an opportunity to show off his Samoan heritage. From what's been revealed about the film so far, that definitely looks to be the case.
Hobbs' three other brothers in the film will be played by Cliff Curtis, Josh Mauga, and John Tui. Those chaps, combined with Roman, round out the "four brothers" The Rock referenced in his Instagram post. Which means that if Jason does drop for a Hobbs and Shaw sequel, that he'll come back as a "mystery brother" or in some other capacity.
But at that point, do the written roles really matter? C'mon, there are certain actors we'd watch as Hot Dog cart vendors in movies and I'd say a lot of people would argue that Jason's one of them.