This Billionaire Just Confirmed That Working Moms Have It Harder Than Men

Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:13 p.m. ET

It's been said before that stay-at-home moms work just as hard as a woman (or man) in the workplace. A recent study even estimated that SAH moms deserve salaries of $162,581 for all they do.
But what about moms who also have to work? The challenge of balancing work and home life often goes unspoken — and this oft-overlooked demographic is expected to do both without complaining.
Well, billionaire business executive Anand Mahindra had an eye-opening experience that made him realize that moms definitely have it harder when it comes to advancing in the workplace.
"I’ve been helping to baby-sit my year old grandson this past week and it’s brought home to me the stark reality of this image," he tweeted alongside a very fitting comic. "I salute every working woman and acknowledge that their successes have required a much greater amount of effort than their male counterparts."
The image he shared shows men and women in a race, but the women face hurdles in the form of basic chores such as laundry, cooking, and cleaning, while the men have a completely clear path to the finish line. The finish line being promotions, raises, and an overall better quality of life.
It's no surprise that Anand's tweet went viral, with over 31K likes and nearly 10K retweets. Followers also applauded the successful businessman for bringing awareness to the struggles working moms face on a daily basis — at home and in the office.

"Thank you so much for recognizing our efforts to keep on going. It's not a joke to handle work and home and kids n family," one busy mom wrote before another added, "I hope all corporate companies and HR depts recruiting women can keep this n mind... but in reality picture is totally the opposite, even if it’s a woman evaluating u."
Others pointed out that this image should encourage more men to step up when it comes to sharing household chores evenly with their spouses. "Hope that this tweet coming from you encourages more men to come forward and share the household chores... #genderequality starts at home," one follower pointed out.
Another agreed, thanking Anand once again for pointing out this injustice. "Thanks for the acknowledgment Mr Mahindra. I am sure most know this but I appreciate the one who pause, take notice and acknowledge," they wrote. "But honestly it’s really a ‘team work’ where u need a supporting partner to make everything work smoothly."

Of course, there were also men who disagreed with the billionaire businessman, arguing that men actually have it just as hard. "World is definitely not a straight race for Men. So much expectations, social pressure, family pressure, the responsibility of parents, marriage of sisters, Men just don't whine about Life. They don't play victim card," wrote one seeming triggered male.
Insert eye roll here.
At the end of the day, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg explained the solution perfectly when asked how men can help women in tech — but it can be applied to all workplaces. "We cannot get to an equal world without men leaning in at home — and those who do have stronger marriages and healthier, happier, more successful children," she responded. "If you’re a manager or leader, think about what you can do to make work work for parents. For example, at Facebook we believe that mothers and fathers deserve the same level of support when they are starting and growing a family so we offer all parents around the world four months of paid leave."

It was also recently reported that men who help with housework can see benefits in the bedroom... if you catch our drift. "Research shows that when men do their share of chores, their partners are happier and less depressed, conflicts are fewer, and divorce rates are lower. They live longer, too; studies demonstrate that there's a longevity boost for men (and women) who provide care and emotional support to their partners later in life," Sandberg and Adam Grant wrote in The New York Times.
If that isn't exciting enough, try this: Couples who share chores equally have more sex. As the researchers Constance T. Gager and Scott T. Yabiku put it, men and women who work hard play hard."
Get to washing, guys.