These Memes Perfectly Capture the Insanity of 'Abducted in Plain Sight'

Updated Feb. 12 2019, 4:45 p.m. ET

As if real life weren't already totally absurd for most average Americans, Netflix has really been bringing that reality into high contrast with their documentary content lately. From the insanity that was the Fyre Festival to the followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in Wild Wild Country, these nonfiction narratives have really dialed into what strange creatures we humans can be.
But none of these docs have turned us into the White Guy Blinking GIF quite so acutely as Abducted in Plain Sight. The story of Jan Broberg's two kidnappings by family friend Robert Berchtold — especially details about how her parents responded to the kidnappings — have audiences asking... "Wait, what did I just watch? Is this real life?"
These 15 Abducted Plain Sight memes perfectly encapsulate the 90-minute wild ride.
1. Literally same.
Viewers generally agree the 22-minute mark is when the WTF really sets in and doesn't let up again until the credits roll. And even then, this movie really does stay with you. I still think about it and shudder a few times a day.
2. This all-purpose meme seems tailor-made for 'AIPS'
This evergreen tweet from November 2018 applies to a lot of things, but none quite so succinctly as the feeling of watching Abducted in Plain Sight.
3. When politeness goes too far.
If you haven't yet seen the doc — spoiler alert — Jan's dad relates an experience where his daughter's soon-to-be abductor asked his buddy to help him get some "relief" because he wasn't getting it at home. And so... he did? Because he didn't want to be rude I think? Yeah, I'm still shaking my head.
4. Even Netflix UK can't even.
You know your content is really provocative when even you can't believe it exists in the world.
5. Threat level: critical yikes.
Maximum yikes, guys. People are dwelling a lot on the way this movie lends new meaning to the phrase "lend a hand to a friend," but that's just the beginning with this story.
6. Fyre Fest vs. 'AIPS'
Life comes at you pretty fast, especially when you're watching Netflix docs. If Netflix keeps up this pace, December is going to be WILD.
This mother waited five days to call the cops when her daughter went missing. FIVE DAYS. If you haven't seen this movie yet, just know that you will periodically find yourself shouting "FIVE DAYS" to no one in particular for at least five days after watching.
8. Choose your own nightmare.
If this had been a plot line in Black Mirror: Bandersnatch I'm pretty sure a lot of viewers would've noped out of there with a quickness.
9. 'AIPS' summed up in one text
Look, it's great to trust your friends. But trust doesn't mean turning off your BS detector. I'm pretty sure the Brobergs were born without the BS detector gene.
10. The fury is just never-ending.
Honestly, even at 90 minutes — pretty short as far as Netflix true crime documentaries go — this film is a true endurance test. How much outrage and incredulity can you withstand? Watch and find out.
11. Beware the white man.
Seriously, every white dude with even an iota of charisma is suspect these days.
12. The inevitable 'Bird Box' callback.
Jan's parents definitely would have survived to the end of Bird Box. They have the most severe case of willfull blindness I've ever witnessed.
13. The Stefon Seal of Approval
Again, all of this is folded into just 90 minutes of television. Truly, you guys, W. T. F.
14. I need some relief... headache relief.
This image works two ways. On the one hand, it's an accurate depiction of how your whole head will hurt after watching this movie. Or it could be a balaclava, which you can put over your face to avoid that headache.
15. Ew, David.
It's hard to pick one GIF of David Rose from Schitt's Creek to encapsulate the mixture of disgust, confusion, and indignation you will feel during Abducted in Plain Sight. Just use all of them.