Trending"Man I Know You" — Uber Driver Captures Moment He Realizes Passenger Is Long-Lost Friend "I thought about you a while ago."
TrendingIs Peter Doocy Still With Fox News? Details on His PromotionPeter was working as the White House correspondent for Fox News for years until a bombshell about his role dropped in June 2024.
Trending"Walking Barn" Mystery Captivates Millions — Was It Ghosts, Aliens, or the Amish?"No drag marks in the grass either?!"
Trending“We Don’t Teach Our Children Anything”: Mom Embraces Unschooling — but Gets Slammed by Teacher“As a parent, you need to be very, very careful of who you are listening to on this app.”
Trending"Kitty" Definitely Has Two Separate Meanings in a New Viral TikTok VideoA new video trending on TikTok shows some fairly indelicate images to unsuspecting viewers.
Trending"Wow, America Has a Problem" — Teen Seriously Asks Father if Adolf Hitler Is Alive or Dead"What do they even teach in schools in America??"
Trending"That's So Much Food!" — English Shopper Shows What $100 of Groceries Looks Like in U.K."The meats alone would take the whole $100 in the U.S."
Trending"Blue Sweatpants Girl" Is Taking Over TikTok With Her MovesLauren Sophia has gone viral for her take on a viral Tyla dance.
Trending"What Was That Sound?" — Mom's Panda Express Mystery Meal Goes Viral"I'm a professional chef and I'm weirded out."
Trending“Girl, Your Lungs...” — Woman Finds Mysterious Black Soot All Over Her Apartment"I'm about to have a problem with my apartment complex because they can't tell me what this is."
Trending"I'm Hiding My Office Supplies": Employee Slams Co-Workers for Stealing Pens, Candy From Desk"I finally had to just outright ask her to give me my pen back."
Trending"She Asked Me to Tone Down the Color": Sister of Bride Is Forced to Dye Her Hair as BridesmaidA bride asks her sister to be a bridesmaid — but only if she tones down her hair color.
Trending“Whoever He Was With Left a Clue” — Woman Finds Jewelry in Boyfriend’s Luggage After Trip"His side piece left some clues for ya!"
TrendingMom Shares Park Toys Even Though Her Kid Has Norovirus — Sparks Outrage"Majority of people/parents will be horrifically inconsiderate."
Trending"You Can Judge Me All You Want" — Woman Refuses to Return Shopping Cart in Parking Lot"I'm not leaving [my children] in the car to go return the cart," Dr. Leslie Dobson said.
Trending“They Have a Script They Have to Read” — Mom Shares Voicemail From Son at Marine Boot CampThe contrast between the mom's loving message and her son’s formal tone drew laughs and sympathy from social media.
Trending“Please. Put. Down. The. Energy. Drinks” — Woman Says Energy Drinks Put Husband in Hospital"These companies don't care about you. They don't care about you at all."
Trending“Stop Listening to the Internet” — Woman Records Man Kicked Off Flight for Using "Pillow Hack""Who argues at an airport?"
Trending“They Never Specified Which Century” — Mom Shares How Daughter Dressed up for '80s Day"To be fair, we wore party dresses in the '80s that kinda looked like this. Way too much lace and weird bib-like collars," a commenter wrote.
Trending“No Is a Complete Sentence”: Man Says a Dad Tried Fighting Him for Not Switching Seats on Plane"The entitlement of some people! Glad you didn’t give in," wrote a commenter.
Trending“Dead Giveaway” — Woman Learns Her Boyfriend Is Cheating Thanks to Restaurant Receipts"The first receipt with the two glasses of sauv blanc?! Dead giveaway," wrote a commenter.
Trending“Tried to Warn Her” — Maid of Honor Makes Guest Leave Wedding to Change Dress"The fact you told her and she did it anyways, tells me everything."
Trending"Why Upstage Your Daughter?" — Mother-of-the-Bride’s Dress Sparks Controversy Online"Guys it’s her mom lol stopppp"
Trending“She Was Actual Google”: Folks Are in Awe of This '90s Mall-Directory Woman’s Job Skills"This was when customer service was authentic and genuine, and didn’t need to be taught so much."
Trending“I Thought YOU Got Me These” — Mom Pranks Husband Who Forgot Her Birthday With Mystery Flowers"My husband and kids forgot it was my birthday today. Watch what I did..."
Trending“Our Marriage Licensed Expired” — Wife Pranks Husband Into Thinking They Need $2K to Stay Married"He was still in — just not for $2,000."
Trending“One of My Final Straws” — Ex–Boutique Worker Claims Store Stocked Shein Items, Cut Tags Off"I think all of our local boutiques do this."
TrendingDog-Sitter Arrives at Client's House, Is Greeted by Babies Instead of Pets in Epic Mix-Up"What do you mean you gave me the wrong address?! Do you not remember moving?!"
Trending"Grow Up" — Woman Calls out Women Who Go out Without Makeup, Sparking DebateIf you are one of those women who don't wear makeup when you go out — this social media user is coming for you.
Trending“The Look of Anxiety” — Woman Leaves Dog Alone With Cheeseburger and Treats, Records Reaction"You can practically see how he is thinking this through."
Trending“Code Switching Is Exhausting”: Man Records Co-Worker Using His "Office Voice," Then His Real One"Gold medal in the Code Switch Olympics."
Trending“Seriously?!” — Woman Quits Job on Spot, Stunning Manager Who Gave “BS” Performance Review"Oh in other words, I quit. Maybe jot that one down."
Trending“What if They Put It in the Dishwasher” — Woman Learns What a "Poop Knife" Is at Kids' Sleepover"Well it’s better than how I thought they used it."
TrendingTenant Keeps Finding Creepy Notes — Turns Out He Had Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Didn't Recall Writing Them"I had CO poisoning and thought my landlord was stalking me."
Trending“Crazy Logic” — Woman Calls Private Jet Company Because Commercial Was Too Pricey"Why would anyone think private would be cheaper than commercial!?"
Trending“Rest of the Staff Wore Black and Gray”: Teachers Prank Principal Into Wearing Wild Outfit, Spark Bullying DebateA prank pulled on a school principal is sparking a viral TikTok debate.
Trending“I Like My Child ... Don’t You?” — Mom Slams Parent for Avoiding Pick-Up, Drop-Off at SchoolParents should drop off and pick up their kids if they can, this mom argues.
Trending"Instagram's Good for Evidence": Client Disputes Prom Dress Charge — Credit Card Rep Sees IG Pics"I need this job, I love being in people's business."
Trending"Brought Tears to My Eyes": Deaf Grandpa Interacts With Baby Granddaughter via Sign Language"She’s going to be fluent in sign before she goes to kindergarten!"
Trending“New Fear Unlocked” — Woman Learns Person Shampooing Her Hair at Salon Doesn’t Work There"Imagine if this happened at a doctor's office."
Trending“Only Millennials Wear These” — Woman Able to Guess Gym-Goer’s Age Because She Wears Ankle Socks"You'll have to pry my ankle socks out of my cold dead avocado toast hands."
TrendingGuy Calls Out Wife for Not Wearing Wedding Ring, Rift Starts to Form Between Them"I asked (in an admittedly not pleasant tone), 'So do you not wear your wedding ring in public any more?'"
Trending“I Bet the Mom Even Showed Him” — Dads Get Roasted as They Try, and Fail, to Close a Stroller"And so many moms do it holding a baby!"
Trending"A Flame is Free!" — Husband's Hilarious Reaction to Candle Warmer Cracks up Internet"Not only did you spend money on the candle warmer, you're spending money on the electricity to warm the candle!"
TrendingIs Raw Milk Safe to Drink? Microbiologist Breaks Down the Dangerous New Trend"I mean she also believes in chem trails so my hopes of changing her mind are basically zero."
Trending“Married and Divorced in the Same Week” — Groom Spraying Bride With Champagne Sparks Outrage"If she doesn't mind, it doesn't really matter that most people would."
Trending“I Want to Be the Provider but You Pay for Your Own Bill” — Woman Records First Date From Hell"Who raised these men?!"
TrendingWhat Is Amanda Knox’s Net Worth? Inside Her Financial Woes"People just assume Amanda must be wealthy because she wrote a book," said her husband.
TrendingAunt Sends Sister Apple Pay Invoice After Babysitting Niece"I can’t imagine charging my sister to keep my nephew … That’s my baby"