People Want This Anorexic YouTuber To Shut Down Her Page Because Of 'Negative Influence'

Updated Oct. 24 2018, 3:52 p.m. ET

A petition's been started to temporarily ban YouTube user Eugenia Cooney from posting more videos because she looks like this.
In fact a recent video of hers has commenters saying that Cooney looks like she has "months left".

Her skeletal frame is not only unnerving, it also looks super unhealthy. Which is what 14,000 petitioners are arguing as their reason for the temporary ban on the popular Vlogger.
Eugenia Cooney has a serious medical condition and needs to seek help. She has been influencing her viewers by her serious underweight condition. She has not been getting better since the day she started YouTube, she's getting more and more sick each day. And it's honestly like she does this bodily harm to herself and shows young girls, such as her viewers on social media that it is "okay", to be suffering from a medical condition such as Anorexia-Nervosa. It is physically & medically to be that skinny without denying treatment such as she does. She has not got any treatment. And is triggering her fan base.
It's a touchy issue, because on the one hand the petition's packed with stupid PC words like "triggering", but on the other hand, young and impressionable viewers are allegedly following in Cooney's footsteps and making themselves thin to attain her war-prisoner-esque figure.
The petition's creator, Carol Lynn, says that Cooney's intentionally glorifying her stick-thin, unhealthy body.
"She knows that she's influencing young teenage girls into thinking being 60 lbs. is normal. It's most definitely not. Ever since she has moved out of her mother's house recently, she has been getting skinnier and skinnier. This clearly isn't a 'high metabolism' or any other type of losing body weight uncontrollably condition."
Cooney spoke out against the petition and her critics in a recent YouTube video saying that it's just generating more negativity.
Hey guys I just wanted to make this because I'm really sorry to everyone who is angry or upset with me and I'm really not trying to do anything wrong! I've never tried to influence anyone badly and I never encourage people to try to look like me or to look like anyone so that's why I'm making this video since some people are saying that about me which can be really upsetting. I love you guys and everyone who does support me and who is nice on here, you guys mean so much to me! I just wish people would be less hateful and be more positive and everyone who is positive you guys are so great. Thank you to the people who care about me though, I definitely am fine and am not dead or anything like that! Haha I love you guys!
Although I don't know what Cooney's health situation is, just by looking at her I don't think it'd be a reach to say she's severely underweight and should see a nutritionist immediately to pack on some much-needed pounds. Being severely underweight comes with its own slew of health problems, just like being severely overweight does.But forcing her to take down her channel, which is a sizable one (and probably how she supports herself financially) seems a bit extreme to me.