Stephen Colbert Delivers Trump's IQ Test Results In Brutal Takedown

Updated April 24 2020, 10:06 a.m. ET
During Donald Trump's recent interview with Forbes, the topic of Rex Tillerson allegedly calling the President a "moron" came up. Trump responded in his trademark way:
"I think it's fake news, but if he did that, I guess we'll have to compare IQ tests. And I can tell you who is going to win."
President Donald Trump went on to add:
"I've had just about the most legislation passed of any president, in a nine-month period, that's ever served. We had over 50 bills passed. I'm not talking about executive orders only, which are very important. I'm talking about bills."
"I also have another bill... an economic-development bill, which I think will be fantastic. Which nobody knows about. Which you are hearing about for the first time... Economic-development incentives for companies. Incentives for companies to be here." Companies that keep jobs in America get rewarded; those that send operations offshore "get penalized severely. It's both a carrot and a stick. It is an incentive to stay. But it is perhaps even more so—if you leave, it's going to be very tough for you to think that you're going to be able to sell your product back into our country."
When asked how the President feels about representing the party that for more than a century championed laissez-faire capitalism and free trade while proposing the government punish and reward companies for American jobs, the president added:
"Very comfortable," he replies. "What I want to do is reciprocal. See, I think the concept of reciprocal is a very nice concept. If somebody is charging us 50%, we should charge them 50%. Right now they charge us 50%, and we charge them nothing. That doesn't work with me."
Yes, just like the size of his hands, Trump bragged about his I.Q. And with incisive statements like this, it's easy to see why.
Trump's IQ challenge to Tillerson got so much attention that Mensa International even offered to hold an IQ face-off, but if this quote from Stephen Hawking is any indication, we may already have our answer regarding those who tout their I.Q. flags.
"People who boast about their I.Q. are losers."
Not wanting to wait and see if the I.Q. showdown would ever come to fruition, late show host Stephen Colbert decided to hold the test himself and proudly put the results on display for everyone to see.
OK, so it wasn't the actual I.Q. test, but that doesn't stop it from being pretty darn funny. I mean just look at this drawing of "Rex Smellerson."